寶石  奇形怪狀  哪款比較火
bou sek   kei ying gwaai jong   na fun bei gaau fo
心臟  維持脫俗  毋用被量度
sam jong   wai chi tyut juk   mou yung bei leung dok
若鑑定努力 要驗貨
yeuk gaam ding nou lik  yiu yim fo
fong daai geng noi yau jeuk nei yik yau jeuk ngo

Nah, Everyone’s crazy bout’ money
Not me
I’m all about fun spree
I’m all about me

yiu ying jan hing ho
人沒貴族那身分 仍能豪得起美感
yan mut gwai juk na san fan  ying nang hou dak hei mei gam
faai lok bat faai lok
chung mou ying hap gwo siu fai ban

Money money money money money money
It’s the name of the game
Money money money money money money
有勇氣 也算貴氣
yau yung hei  ya syun gwai hei
Money money money money money money
Gold, it’s the name of the game
Money money money money money money
太過計算 會折扣志氣
taai gwo gai syun  wui jit kau ji hei

Attention (Yah)
What up?
Cash, cash, fly high
No cash? Still so fly
Make your own way up to the top
Let me bust a move make it make it pop

gei go fa liu yat sai hoi go bou him seung
抵抗心傷 想以金塊 超額補償
dai kong sam seung  seung yi gam faai  chiu ngaak bou seung
非富則貴 得到幾下鼓掌
fei fu jak gwai  dak dou gei ha gu jeung
興奮感  可以很理想 都買不到堅強
hing fan gam   ho yi han lei seung  dou maai bat dou gin keung

ga jik gun jit hok
人自信達至足金  無窮奇蹟可發生
yan ji seun daat ji juk gam   mou kung kei jik ho faat sang
se ha ging jai hok
hou mou ying lei ya han ching sam

Money money money money money money
It’s the name of the game
Money money money money money money
有勇氣 也算貴氣
yau yung hei  ya syun gwai hei
Money money money money money money
Gold, it’s the name of the game
Money money money money money money
太過計算 會折扣志氣
taai gwo gai syun  wui jit kau ji hei

mou wa lai na daai tong
cheung dei ya ho mun jo
神殿與工廠 都可
san din yu gung chong  dou ho
fong dak hei ging din nei lung chong
liu bat hei dou ho ming wai lung chong
mun juk gam gou dak san wan yiu dong

Attention (Yah)
Attention (Ah)
Attention (Yah)

Money money money money money money
It’s the name of the game
Money money money money money money
要闊綽  闊到最尾
yiu fut cheuk   fut dou jeui mei
Money money money money money money
Gold, it’s the name of the game
Money money money money money money
你我賦有 最富有哲理
nei ngo fu yau  jeui fu yau jit lei

太過計算 會折扣志氣
taai gwo gai syun  wui jit kau ji hei

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